Showing 46 Result(s)

Long Way

Reading Time: 2 minutesThis way is a long way as a Black Hole. I send thousand of emails; I got a lot of calls, but I don`t get back from them. Haha Today I passed the swim test to get a job as a lifeguard in the Aquatic Centre. I have visited a Local Job Fair Today as …


Reading Time: 2 minutesScroll down to reed in English Ayer estuve en Spinfest un festival que se realiza cada Bank Holiday (Día festivo Nacional). Hay cuatro días festivos al año que coinciden en Lunes. El Lunes de pascua es uno de ellos, y ayer domingo el festival de música Spinfest se celebró en el barrio mas “posh” de …


Reading Time: < 1 minuteI was downloading Audiobooks on audible and, I came across a free excerpt of  this book: “Quiet. The power of introverts in a World That Can`t Stop Talking”. Then I searched for Susan Cain on and I was spot on! “The power of introverts” is the title of her talk. She said: “…Now, in fact, some of our transformative …