Showing 110 Result(s)

8 Inspiring books – 8 Libros inspiradores

  Quiet Impact: How to be a successful introvert – El éxito de los introvertidos. Sylvya Löken I posted about this book on Quiet Leading at the edge. Leadership lessons from the Extraordinary Saga of Shackleton’s Antartic Expedition – Liderar al límite. Lecciones de liderazgo de la expedición Antartica de Shackelton. Denis NT. Perkings I posted about this book on Leading …

Phrases for 2018

I just want to go on more adventures, connect with good people, lear new positives things and grow strong. Please, no more temporary people in 2018 May 2018 be year of magnificient transformations. 2018 will be a selfish year, my time will be invested on me on improving myself, I want to become a better …