6 Daily Routines for self growth

This modern life is plenty of hectic days. It is important to take time for you and fall in love with taking care of yourself every day. You need to create a habit (discipline, dedication, and determination). You don`t need to have time, you need to make time. Silence (10 min): Practice mindfulness meditation. Eg. Smiling …


Statment, mision, vision, principles and values, strategic plan are essential in any company. It should be essential in our life because we are CEO of our life. Starting with the statment. I am ready to upgrade my life. I am living today challenges and opportunities. I practice resilience, gratitude, positive thinking and mindfulness. I am …

Vida social-Social life

Estuve en Madrid de vacaciones y mis amigos se extrañaban cuando les decía que mi vida social en Northampton es bastante pobre. Chateando en Facebook con mi amigo Chema me preguntaba que si la vida social es mas complicada aquí. Yo me sonreía, tener amistades es igual de complejo en todos los lados. Mi experiencia …