
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The word “ikigai” consists of two Japanese words: iki which means life and kai, meaning “realization of what one wants and hopes for”.

I heard about this concept when years ago I learnt about the book of Francesc Miralles Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life. Today this book come up as a deal in amazon -0.99 p-.

This concept has recently been after me and it should be a reason for that.

Ikigai expresses the purpose of life. A reason to get up in the morning.

Ikigai is seen s the convergence of four elements.

  • Passion – What you are good at + What you love
  • Mission – What I love + What the world needs
  • Profession – What I am good at + What I can be paid for
  • Vocation – What I can be paid for + What the world needs

Now, take your notebook and write down anything that comes to mind for each element.

Is the diagram working for you for find your ikigai? How do you find your purpose of life?