Introspective Reflection

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I have recently read: that the root of our suffering (and disappointment -I dare to add-) is the fear and don´t let go.

It has been weeks of hectic activity. Unexpectedly, I had isolated myself due to I got the virus. I had to rest from connecting, exercising and other side volunteering work. On the other hand, I have been able to keep working from home. These prove that despite the unwell feeling and the annoying symptoms, they were mild symptoms.

The disappointment remained in the background of my awareness.

Then I got a new newsletter from one of my meditation teachers (good timing). She was unable to go to a retreat to disconnect due to a slow recovery of covid:

A time of deep rest, and a deep dive into surrender and trusting in life (even when it feels uncomfortable)… And then I surrendered into the journey that is being unwell. And what I realised was that all the things I was hoping to receive from the retreat, I received from my period of ill health.

Surrender, acceptance, and back to the present moment are some of the medicines.