Showing 442 Result(s)

2022. Stepping Beyond

The blog had twenty-seven entries in 2021. The first one in the new year is a classic in this time: resolutions. Boring, Exciting? It is exciting because we are becoming the best version of ourselves. It means we are evolving, we are in a process of growth. Look here and download this pdf I have …


Empathy is the ability to read and understand others’ emotions, needs, and thoughts. Requires active and careful listening seeking to understand. Empathy is what allows us to influence, inspire, and help people achieve their dreams and goals. Empathy enables us to connect with others in a real and meaningful way. In the present circumstances where …


Mindfulness meditation is noticing your body, thoughts and emotions without judgement. The anchor of mindfulness meditation is the breath. Each inhalation offers the gift of fresh oxygen, of beginning hopes and possibilities. Each exhalation offers you the gift of release, of letting go of what no longer serves you. The breath brings you home and …


Invest daily time in your mental and physical Fitnees is key for wellbeing and happier life. Every little step is a progression. In long term the outcome is an authentic transformation. How much time do you invest ? Insighttimer Stats Calm Stats June 21 Strava Stats


I had a plan in my mind for the first of June. I had made my assumptions and created my expectations about what should happen next. I believed I had my things under control. I shocked when the reality was totally different and I went through a moment of panicking. At that moment I didn´t …

Daily Gems

I have loads of notebooks, I use one of them to transcript the daily meditations that touch, inspire me and resonate. The following excerpt (not complete) is from a 10 minutes meditation call Bring to home. The author is Fleur Chambers. Fleur Chambers is one of 53 teachers I follow on insighttimer app. At the …


One of the first exercises, when you decide to do a strategic plan process, is the wheel of life, the second one define your values and then you can start with your mission, vision and statement. I have recently re-written my statement. You should redefine, back to define and refocus these foundations from time to …


Equanimity is one of the “muscles of the mind”. A capability that, when strong, work to support us feeling calm, resilient and happy. Equanimity is the mind´s capacity to be okay with what is happening, even if, we wish things were otherwise. Ultimately it´s an acceptance of the imperfect way that things tend to go. …

Booster challenges

Looking back on that 2013 when I was a member of a running club, It was a glorious year for all the achievements. I wanted to repeat that experience and I would love to come back on track doing my best times on the road. I have recently joined a new runners club. I have …